November 2, 2010

and on the 1st day there was light...

Lights ... camera ... action!

Beat _ Tom Dixon
Chimney _ Hubert
Heavy _ Hubert
Float _ Hubert
Wood _ Fredrik Mattson
Memories _ Chen Karlsson
This is a cute lamp that has an opening on the side where you can insert your favorite childhood toy (as long as it's not too sensitive to heat).
Styrene _ Pete Cocksedge
Light _ Permafrost
Random _ Mooi
I once had a dream about making this lamp. I wonder if I had already seen it somewhere?
Add ImageDandelion _ Mooi
Snowball _ Poul Henningson
An old retro classic from 1958.
This lamp has a great sense of humor! The name of this broken light bulb in fact is Scheise = shit.
Jin _ Interstudio
Another lamp with a sense of humor. I don't remember the title of this one though!
Gregg _ Interstudio

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