This is the second edition of Kids rooms after just getting the news that two close friends are expecting a little one! :) YAY! I'm so excited!! So here are some inspirational photos for the parents-to-be. The first edition can be read by clicking here. And also the one about "architectural toys" by clicking here.Perhaps this edition is more for smaller kids and the first edition is more for slightly older kids. But these are all really nice decorating ideas that are sure to inspire you.
A strong yellow gives life to an otherwise dull room and is also a good choice when trying to avoid the stereotypical colours like pink, red, blue..

These are wall stickers that you can order online from
This is an old-school bench from
They have a bunch of stuff that can be ordered online!
This is the Mawok! A cute hamok for infants that can be hung on your door or any stable wall. I think it's super sweet. You can fold it into a convenient bag and take it with you when you are out and about visiting friends and relatives.
This is such a nice childrens room in a New York apartment that I found while looking at
A vintage style childrens room.

A little hiding spot.
This extra space in the room was converted into a really cool hiding spot. This photo and the next ones are from the blogg Aprill Aprill - Design, inspiration, vardag run by swedish designer Johanna Gartmyr.

This room from
Aprill Aprill uses floors and furniture in light colours and then highlighting details such as blankets, carpets, lamps, curtains with brighter more playful colours.

A mini work-space! So cute!
These are toys designed by Annika Yberg.

Designer Johanna Gartmyr from the
Aprill Aprill makes lovely unique childrens clothes.
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